Dragonforce album art ultrabeatdown
Dragonforce album art ultrabeatdown

dragonforce album art ultrabeatdown

That sound that has been so perfectly foreshadowed essentially sounds the result of several college frat boys gathered together in a room, two of whom are decided it would be fun to masturbate with guitar strings, while another watches, shrieking gratingly about his fantasy exploits, with a bassist sitting morosely in the corner doing absolutely nothing, watching his friends sit around and enjoy themselves in their divergent ways. You know, assuming the band name didn’t already give that away. Although I do have to admit that for someone who has never heard Dragonforce before, the sort of music you would expect to hear with such a title is exactly what you get. Such a title essentially forces anybody to admit that what it is they are about to listen should not, under any circumstances, be taken seriously. To begin, I’m just curious who thought naming an album Ultra Beatdown was a legitimately good idea. However, Dragonforce’s greatest strength is also its greatest of innumerable weaknesses. The notes are all blazing fast, and realistically, only the greatest shredders would be able to pull off most of the acrobatics on display here. Let me clarify by saying that yes, the instrumentation on this album is fantastic.

dragonforce album art ultrabeatdown

Review Summary: Ultra Beatdown is the reason this type of music should not take itself too seriously.

Dragonforce album art ultrabeatdown